Below are helpful resources for social workers and educators working with individuals affected by trauma:
Including Witnessing or Being Victimized by Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Family Violence (FV)Human Trafficking
Explores intrinsic needs like purpose and meaning versus external circumstances and pressures.
Audiobook available on Audible.
Highlights the distinction between intrinsic self-worth and external validation.
Examines how internal presence outweighs external concerns for happiness.
Focuses on how internal motivation drives external behaviors and habits.
Discusses the role of autonomy, mastery, and purpose (internal needs) versus external rewards.
Explores embracing internal worth and resilience over external perfectionism.
Offers a deep dive into understanding internal versus external dependencies in our emotional landscape.
Published by Verywell Mind. Explains the psychology behind internal versus external drives and their impact on well-being.
Read the article here.
Psychology Today article discussing how identifying core internal needs helps align with external goals.
Verywell Mind offers practical insights into intrinsic and extrinsic needs based on Maslow's framework.
Read the article here.
Podcasts and Audio Resources
Focuses on internal well-being versus external measures of success and happiness.
Features interviews on personal growth, spirituality, and balancing intrinsic and extrinsic needs.
Explores how internal growth mindsets influence external outcomes.
Free Online Courses or Tools
Helps identify intrinsic needs (e.g., happiness, contentment) over extrinsic ones.
Free to audit.
Academic research and articles by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, who developed SDT, can be found online.
Visit the website.
Power and Control Infographic